Changing fuel oil to gas

06.03.2019 | News of the company
At the forging site of the metalwork shop, the conversion of heating furnaces from fuel oil to natural gas is being completed.

Technical re-equipment of heating furnaces began in July last year. Then the furnace No. 2 was dismantled and a new one was built in its place, gas was brought.

Today, two heating furnaces are already in trial operation, the third is at the final stage of construction.

Technical modernization has some reasons:
- firstly, saving - gas is much cheaper than fuel oil;
- secondly, ecology - the product of gas combustion is carbon dioxide and water vapor with minor impurities;
-thirdly, simplicity and compactness -the furnaces became independent from compressed air, they have injection gas burners installed on them, where air comes in directly from the shop.  

Forge workers have already experienced the difference in the operation of the furnaces: if during ignition of oil-fueled injectors the whole room of the workshop was covered with a dense gray fog with a strong smell, which dissipated only after heating the furnaces, now even during ignition and during operation the air in the workshop is clean.


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